Wednesday, February 24, 2010


How fast 3 weeks goes by!

I've been out of commission, friends. Got a bad case of the somethin or others and felt that if i ran, i would just exacerbate my illness and i'd be in a whole truck load of bad luck. But i'm back. Ran monday. And Tuesday.

Monday Feb22 2010

Just a basic loop around temple square. 3.5 miles. Goin east on South Temple is a steady uphill and i could not breathe at all to save my life. It must of had somethin to do with the fact that i hadn't run in almost two weeks and I was heaving up mucous like you wouldn't believe.

Tuesday was the usual cemetery loop, with a slight mod. Instead of going strait down E street and blowin our knees out like a couple of dry ball bearings, we decided to stagger the downhill by alternating going east and south every 2 blocks. It worked great and we passed somebody else running which is always a little thrill for me. finished 3.9 miles in about 36 minutes.

I've been focusing on core strength lately, to improve my form. It'll be interesting to see if it makes me a more efficient runner.

OH! And i have an interview at the Salt Lake Running Company on friday morning! So excited about that. Hopefully I'll land my dream job and learn even more about running from some really knowledgeable people.

Long run on thursday and the speed work on then speed work on Saturday. This week's gonna be a breeze...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Run on February 3rd, 2010

Distance: 7.9 miles
Time: 70 minutes

Route: 3rd Ave to City Creek Canyon. South on Bonneville to E street, then back.Finish with State Street to So Temple, to M Street.

Whoa. Lastnight was nuts. The longest run since the surgery. HOLD UP. Let me explain my surgery right quick:

After I ran a half in Rexburg, Idaho, I started experiencing some major pain in my anterior tibialis. At first i could run through it but i decided I should quit because my foot and lower leg got completely numb. I went to the doctor said "You've got hernias all up out your fascia!" So i decided to get referred to a sports med doctor who diagnosed me with Compartment syndrome, only after he stuck a meat thermometer sized needle into my lef to test my pressure. (i dunno what they measured in, psi? alls I knows is that normal resting pressure is about 15, and exertion pressure is about 30. My resting was 40 and my exertion was 140. Ya, i know, my muscles were bursting out of my leg. Ps I don't know why this is all in parenthesis.)

There were only 2 options: stop running or cut my legs open. So i chose the wonderful bilateral comparment realease surgery wherein they cut open my legs and removed the fascia(muscle covering) on four of my compartments. After 2 weeks I could walk with pain. After 5 I could bike. After 7 I began to run again.

-my legs 1 week post op-

It's now been over 3 months and I am running like a champ. There's still minor pain in my ankle and around my incisions but nothing serious at all. It's taken quite a bit of physical and mental exersion for me to get to this point but I am back! 8 miles yesterday. I'm completely on track to run the Teton Dam Marathon in june. Everyone get excited.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Alrighty Kiddos, my surgery recovery is complete and I'm back on the horse. Or the wagon. The horse and wagon? I'm back up to snuff. Ew. Anyways my running partner Shawn and I are out to traverse the rolling mountain slopes of Salt Lake City. I've been here for about a month now and I feel acclimated and ready for action. So far the furthest we've been is about 6 miles. LETS CHECK IT OUT:

We did an uphill run through City Creek Canyon (as pictured above). I pulled a rookie manuever and decided to indulge in a bowl of peanut butter crunch about an hour before the run so by the time i got up to the Cemetery on 11th Avenue i was having a heck of a time. And by the time i got home, my colon was having a heck of a time. It was brilliant though. A great run. No pain after. Probably because of the banana I ate. Mmmm Potassium. The end.
