Sunday, August 29, 2010

Happy Valley

 So I've been runnin in Provo for a little while now, and it's been quite a hoot. There are so many runners here and they all wave back to me when I wave to them! Occasionally I'll through a fist pump at the top of a big hill and get a couple smiles. I love the social aspect of running. It's an instant connection and friendship when you're all out there together. We all know it's hard, but we all know it's beneficial.

I had a thought the other day and it turned into an essay. Enjoy:

When I was young I watched the movie Star Wars with my father. I remember sitting on our lumpy couch watching Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, two men who would not ordinarily be friends, come together to struggle against evil. I was captivated by their courage and inspired by their morality and passion. I watched as they struggled against incalculable odds and triumphed against an ominous, planet-sized space station that, at first, seemed so impregnable. I was instilled with a belief that revolution and rebellion was necessary in order for good to gain victory over evil. I wanted to be the hero of my own revolution.

 In my world, however, there are no heartless tyrants. There is no unfair treatment dealt to me by a merciless dictatorial administration. In fact, as I grew older, I saw quite the opposite unfold in the world around me. I was instilled with a love for democracy and an appreciation for the American constitution, and I watched as misguided youths and vigilante terrorists tried to destroy it. I thought to myself, “How am I gonna stick it to the man if I am the man and everyone is trying to stick it to me?”  I wondered how I would ever live my dreams of being the hero; the one who passionately fights against a domineering entity for the greater good. 

I realized that there’s a war raging all around me. The enemy bombards me with blatant full frontal attacks and intricate subterfuge.  There’s a war going on for my mind. My brain is oftentimes under the control of a ruthless regime assailing my thoughts with distortions. I am made to believe that contention is good, that no ideas are as good as my own, that success is selfish, and pleasure is love. I am forced to watch as moral ideals are dismantled and defiled to justify immorality. I am pummeled into submission until I finally lose my identity and become the newest recruit in a world of parrots, saying what I’m told to say, doing what I’m told to do and thinking how I’m told to think. The more I let those influences take control, the more I forfeit my freedom to choose, my freedom to grow, and my freedom to be happy. 

This is why I need a revolution. I believe that the most needed rebellion is personal, between ourselves and the powers that struggle to make us lose ourselves. Like Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, I can lead an army against and empire: an army of my own thoughts and ideals against the world. I can diligently strive towards individuation as I revolt against the corruption brought on by prideful ideals. My revolution is complete as I think for myself, not of myself. 

I've got a 35 mile relay race comin up! My first race since the surgery. Needless to say, I am stoked outta my mind. 

Cool runnings everyone!

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