Saturday, August 21, 2010

So Ute

Today I ran in Moab. I got my speed back from yesterday. It was epic. And can I just say it was wonderful not coming home dripping wet? It was actually a little chilly this mornin.

Moab is a very small town in a valley surrounded by intimidating red cliffs. It was dark when I started but light was just beginning to peak over the mountains. I was running fast and feeling good. At about the second mile I stopped to take in the sight. The sun was now illuminating the cliffs to the west of me, turning them a brilliantly deep red color...then I had a THOUGHT.

Haha I know it's cheesy but I thought to myself "If God can make a huge pile of rocks and sand look this beautiful, imagine what He could do with me." I guess it's the Brother of Jared kinda thing in the Book of Mormon. We offer what we've got, and the Lord makes it better. But first we have to do the offering. We have to take a step towards the Lord, disengaging whatever may be holding us back.

Buddhist's believe that attachments are what hold us back from becoming the best we can be. There is wisdom in that. Of course some attachments are essential, like that of man and wife (although even then they aren't really attached, but joined). Many attachments hold us back though and it's our responsibility to put our lives in order, let go of anything impeding our progress, and offer to the Lord what we have. Then He will make us perfect: The people we are meant to be. It won't be instant. We have to continue to work on it.

On my way home I booked it. I passed one of those radar speed limit signs that gives you your speed. The speed limit was 30. I was going 8. Not quite there yet, but I'm working on it.

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